  • 个人简介
    Simone Baldi, 教授,博士生导师,入选国家级A类人才计划,2014-2019年在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(QS,THE世界大学排名前50位) 系统与控制研究中心担任助理教授,2005年,2007年和2011年分别在意大利佛罗伦萨大学获得电气工程学士,自动化系统控制工程硕士和系统与信息学博士学位,希腊CERTH和塞浦路斯大学博士后,师从Edoardo Mosca教授 (IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC Fellow)、Petros Ioannou教授(IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC Fellow,IEEE-ITS 前主编)和Markos Papageorgiou 教授(IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, Transp. Reas. C前主编)。主要研究兴趣为自适应与学习系统及其在智能交通,智能能源,智能电网,无人驾驶,无人机编队等领域的应用,至今已发表论文200余篇,SCI收录论文140余篇,其中在自动控制领域顶刊 IEEE TAC,Automatica,以及交通领域,智能能源领域,航空航天等应用领域顶刊上发表长文60余篇,至今为止已培养学生60余名,学生中已有多人拿到国内外知名高校的副教授,教师等职位。
    详细信息请参考实验室主页: http://www.simonelab.com/


    学士学位 (B.S.),2002.9-2005.8,意大利,佛罗伦萨大学电气工程专业
    硕士学位 (M.S.),2005.9-2007.7,意大利,佛罗伦萨大学自动化系统控制工程专业
    博士学位 (Ph.D.),2008.1-2011.9,意大利,佛罗伦萨大学系统与信息学专业

  • 研究方向及擅长领域:








    (自适应与学习系统,切换混杂系统,自适应优化与控制, 机器学习)

    [19] SimoneBaldi*,  Azzollini I. A., and Ioannou P. A. A distributed indirect adaptive approach to cooperative tracking in networks of uncertain single-input single-output systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2020).

    [18] Simone Baldi*, Paolo Frasca. Leaderless synchronization of heterogeneous oscillators by adaptively learning the group model. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2019).

    [17] Simone Baldi*, Petros A. Ioannou. Stability margins in adaptive mixing control via a Lyapunov-based switching criterion. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61, no. 5 (2015): 1194-1207. (Full Paper)

    [16] Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Antonis Papachristodoulou, Petros A. Ioannou. Convex design control for practical nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59, no. 7 (2014): 1692-1705. (Full Paper)

    [15] Simone Baldi*, Petros Ioannou, and Edoardo Mosca. Multiple model adaptive mixing control: the discrete-time case. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  57, no. 4 (2011): 1040-1045.

    [14] I. A. Azzollini, S. Yuan , W. Yu, Simone Baldi*, Petros Ioannou, and Edoardo Mosca. Multiple model adaptive mixing control: the discrete-time case. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  2020 doi:10.1109/TAC.2020.3000195

    [13] Shuai Yuan,  M Lv, Simone Baldi*, L. Zhang. Adaptive optimal control for large-scale nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  2020 doi:10.1109/TAC.2020.3003647.

    [12] Michailidis, Iakovos, Simone Baldi*, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Petros A. Ioannou. Adaptive optimal control for large-scale nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62, no. 11 (2017): 5567-5577. (Full Paper)

    [11] Shuai Yuan, Bart De Schutter, Simone Baldi*, Adaptive asymptotic tracking control of uncertain time-driven switched linear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62, no. 11 (2016): 5802-5807.

    [10] Simone Baldi*, Giorgio Battistelli, Edoardo Mosca, and Pietro Tesi. Multi-model unfalsified adaptive switching supervisory control. Automatica 46, no. 2 (2010): 249-259. (Regular Paper)

    [9] Roy, Spandan, Simone Baldi*, Leonid M. Fridman. On adaptive sliding mode control without a priori bounded uncertainty. Automatica 111 (2020): 108650.

    [8] Roy, Spandan, Simone Baldi*. Towards structure-independent stabilization for uncertain underactuated Euler–Lagrange systems. Automatica 113 (2020): 108775.

    [7] S. Yuan,  L. Zhang, B. D. Schutter, Simone Baldi*. A novel Lyapunov function for a non-weighted L2 gain of asynchronously switched linear systems. Automatica 87 (2018): 310-317.

    [6] S. Yuan,  L. Zhang, Simone Baldi*. Adaptive stabilization of impulsive switched linear time-delay systems: A piecewise dynamic gain approach. Automatica 103 (2019): 322-329.

    [5] Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, and Petros A. Ioannou. A plug and play computationally efficient approach for control design of large-scale nonlinear systems using cosimulation: a combination of two ingredients. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 34, no. 5 (2014): 56-71.(Regular Paper)

    [4] Simone Baldi*, Weiming Xiang. Reachable set estimation for switched linear systems with dwell-time switching. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 29 (2018): 20-33.(Regular Paper)

    [3] Simone Baldi*, Antonis Papachristodoulou, and Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. Adaptive pulse width modulation design for power converters based on affine switched systems. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 30 (2018): 306-322.(Regular Paper)

    [2] Simone Baldi*, Shuai Yuan, and Paolo Frasca. Output synchronization of unknown heterogeneous agents via distributed model reference adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6, no. 2 (2018): 515-525. (Regular Paper)

    [1] D. Liu, Simone Baldi*, W. Yu, C. L. P.  Chen, A Hybrid Recursive Implementation of Broad Learning with Incremental FeaturesIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2021 doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3043110 (Regular Paper)



    [1] Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Christos Ravanis,Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. Model-based and model-free “plug-and-play” building energy efficient control. Applied energy 154 (2015): 829-841.(Regular Paper)

    [2] Simone Baldi*, Shuai Yuan, Petr Endel, and Ondrej Holub. Dual estimation: Constructing building energy models from data sampled at low rate. Applied Energy 169 (2016): 81-92.(Regular Paper)

    [3] Simone Baldi*, Christos D. Korkas, Maolong Lv,  Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. Automating occupant-building interaction via smart zoning of thermostatic loads: A switched self-tuning approach. Applied energy 231 (2018): 1246-1258(Regular Paper)

    [4] Simone Baldi*, Fan Zhang, Thuan Le Quang, Petr Endel, and Ondrej Holub. Passive versus active learning in operation and adaptive maintenance of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Applied energy 252 (2019): 113478.(Regular Paper)

    [5] Simone Baldi*, Thuan Le Quang, Ondrej Holub, and Petr Endel. Real-time monitoring energy efficiency and performance degradation of condensing boilers. Energy conversion and management 136 (2017): 329-339.(Regular Paper)

    [6] Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Vasiliki Ntampasi, Elias Kosmatopoulos, Ioannis Papamichail, Markos Papageorgiou. A simulation-based traffic signal control for congested urban traffic networks. Transportation Science 53, no. 1 (2019): 6-20. (Regular Paper)

    [7] Simone Baldi*, Di Liu, Vishrut Jain, Wenwu Yu. Establishing Platoons of Bidirectional Cooperative Vehicles With Engine Limits and Uncertain Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2020). (Regular Paper)

    [8] Giammarino Vittorio, Simone Baldi*, Frasca Paolo; Delle Monache Maria Laura. Traffic flow on a ring with a single autonomous vehicle: an interconnected stability perspective, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, in press,(Regular Paper)

    [9] Korkas, Christos D., Simone Baldi*, Shuai Yuan, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. An adaptive learning-based approach for nearly optimal dynamic charging of electric vehicle fleets. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19, no. 7 (2017): 2066- 2075. (Regular Paper)

    [10] Korkas, Christos D., Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. Intelligent energy and thermal comfort management in grid-connected microgrids with heterogeneous occupancy schedule. Applied Energy 149 (2015): 194-203. (Regular Paper)

    [11] Korkas, Christos D., Simone Baldi*, Iakovos Michailidis, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. Occupancy-based demand response and thermal comfort optimization in microgrids with renewable energy sources and energy storage. Applied Energy 163 (2016): 93-104. (Regular Paper)

    [12] Michailidis, Iakovos T., Simone Baldi*, Martin F. Pichler, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, and Juan R. Santiago. Proactive control for solar energy exploitation: A german high-inertia building case study. Applied Energy 155 (2015): 409-420. (Regular Paper)

    [13] Su, Zhou, Ali Jamshidi, Alfredo Núñez, Simone BaldiBart De Schutter. Integrated condition-based track maintenance planning and crew scheduling of railway networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 105 (2019): 359-384. (Regular Paper)

    [14] Fari, Stefano, Ximan Wang, Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi*. Addressing unmodelled path-following dynamics via adaptive vector field: A UAV test case. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2019). 

    [15] Tian, Tao, Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi*. Stable Adaptation in Multi-Area Load Frequency Control under Dynamically-Changing Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019). 

    [16] Abhilash Patel, Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi*. Wide-Area Damping Control Resilience towards Cyber-Attacks: A Dynamic Loop Approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2021). 

    [17] Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi*, Peng Li, Viswa NarayananArtificial-Delay Adaptive Control for Under-actuated Euler-Lagrange RoboticsIEEE Transactions on Mechatronics (2021). 

  • 主要研究项目和课题:

    • 集群无人机控制算法开发(2020-2021)***公司,***

    • 基于协同自适应巡航控制的车辆自组织编队研究(无人驾驶)(2021-2024), 国家自然科学基金

    • EVOLVE: “Control of evasive manoeuvres for automated driving(无人驾驶): solving the edge cases”, (2021-2025), NWO -Toegepaste en Technische Wetenchappen (荷兰研究理事会) ,50万欧元

    • Comfortable Natural Ventilation and Energy Reduction in the Built Environment (2019-2021)荷兰城市能源署,34.5万欧元

    • Multi-agent Coordination with Networked-induced Constraints (2018-2022)中船工业

    • Monitoring the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf testbed in Rijswijk (2016-2019)荷兰中央政府,9万欧元

    • Multi-Party Risk Management and Key Performance Indicator Design at the Whole System Level(2014-2018)Explorail, 75万欧元

    • Advanced Methods for Building Diagnostics and Maintenance (2013-2017)欧盟委员会,71.5万欧元

    • Stems-of-systems that act locally for optimizing globally (2012-2016)欧盟委员会320万欧元

    • Autonomous, self-learning, optimal and complete underwater systems (2011-2015)欧盟委员会,500万欧元

    • Rapidly-deployable, self-tuning, self-reconfigurable nearly-optimal control design for large-scale nonlinear systems (2010-2014)欧盟委员会,185万欧元

    • DAVI: “Dutch Automated Vehicle Initiative(荷兰自动驾驶汽车计划)(supported by TU Delft, TNO, the RWD and Connekt). Website: http://davi.connekt.nl/


    • Alexander de Winter and Simone Baldi , Path following system for an autonomous vehicle, Dissemination video supported by DAVI project [video1] [video2],无人驾驶

    • Arya Senna Abdul Rachman and Simone Baldi, Integrated vehicle dynamics control: Real-time simulation, Dissemination video supported by DAVI project [video无人驾驶

    • Local4Global and ConvCAO research groups, ConvCAO i-MOVE: Traffic Management, Dissemination video for the FP7 EU project Local4Global [video] ,智能交通

    • Local4Global and ConvCAO research groups, ConvCAO i-EMS: Building Energy Management, Dissemination video for the FP7 EU project Local4Global [video],智能能源

    • Local4Global and ConvCAO research groups, ConvCAO CSR: Coordinated Swarms of Robots, Dissemination video for the FP7 EU project Local4Global [video] 无人系统


  • 招生信息:
